Wednesday 16 November 2011

In which the British Medical Association lie to you again...

The ban fans are off again, this time calling for a ban on smoking in cars.

Smoking in all cars across the UK should be banned to protect people from second-hand smoke, doctors say. The British Medical Association has made the call following research that shows the level of toxins in a car can be up to 23 times higher than in a smoky bar.

This is, of course, a complete fiction - no, a lie:

In a study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal entitled 'Second-hand smoke in cars: How did the “23 times more toxic” myth turn into fact?', MacKenzie and Freeman showed that the "fact" was entirely without scientific evidence and stemmed from a, obscure quote in a local newspaper in 1998 (as I had revealed on this blog two months earlier).

Doesn't stop them using it, does it!



Gawain Towler said...

Bet Ben Goldacre will not use it in his Bad Science column

Simon Cooke said...

It would appear Gawain that Mr Goldacre has written on the matter (albeit somewhere other than his Bad science column)