Wednesday 28 September 2011

Did we have employment land strategies during the industrial revolution?


The body that 'represents' senior local council planners - the Planning Officers Society - has been having its say on the National Planning Policy Framework. And its main criticism is that without a grand strategy on "employment land" we won't get any economic growth. Or something like that:

" rules would create a weakening of stipulated employment land at a local level, due to the potential for building housing on land previously set-aside for businesses, according to the POS.

‘The basis for planning for housing has not yet been clearly thought through,’ it said.

‘A local reservoir of such land is essential to facilitate the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, to provide … employment and to attract inward investment.

Apparently under these rules Jaguar wouldn't have been able to expand as the land would have gone for housing.

Remember folks that these are the people who think they can plan our futures! Heaven help us!


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