Wednesday 28 September 2011

BHF reveals its priorities...


Apparently 'No Smoking Day' is a charity - or was until now as it has just been merged into the British Heart Foundation. Apparently they weren't going to get all that lovely government lolly:

No Smoking Day started approaching potential merger partners because it expects to lose half its funding in 2012, when an annual grant of £250,000 from the Department of Health will come to an end.

The move involves two No Smoking Day staff moving from offices in Shoreditch, east London, to the BHF headquarters in Mornington Crescent in north London. Its other employee, chief executive Amit Aggarwal, will leave when his fixed-term contract expires in November.

It seems that BHF will be making up the shortfall using all those donations from good folk who want them to research medical treatments for heart disease.


1 comment:

Dick Puddlecote said...

And guess whose offices in Shoreditch they had previously been employed in. ;)