Friday 22 July 2011

Your chance to put some facts straight about drinking

Dick Puddlecote has spotted that the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee is opening an inquiry into "...the evidence base for alcohol guidelines provided by Government to the public."

The Committee seeks submissions on the following matters:

1. What evidence are Government’s guidelines on alcohol intake based on, and how regularly is the evidence base reviewed?
2. Could the evidence base and sources of scientific advice to Government on alcohol be improved?
3. How well does the Government communicate its guidelines and the risks of alcohol intake to the public?
4. How do the UK Government’s guidelines compare to those provided in other countries?

Submitting written evidence

The Committee invites written submissions on these issues by noon on Wednesday 14 September 2011.

Each submission should:
a) be no more than 3,000 words in length
b) be in Word format with as little use of colour or logos as possible
c) have numbered paragraphs
d) include a declaration of interests.

A copy of the submission should be sent by e-mail to and marked "Alcohol guidelines". An additional paper copy should be sent to:

The Clerk
Science and Technology Committee
House of Commons
7 Millbank
London SW1P 3JA

This seems like something worth responding too. The Committee is chaired by Andrew Miller, MP for Ellesmere Port and the full membership is here. It is also worth lobbying your own member of parliament regarding this enquiry as they will also be able to influence the process.


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