Thursday 2 September 2010

The tallest tree....

Bumped into Lesley's 'Wheniwas8' blog - lovely stuff you should all go there and enjoy. Anyhow it got me to thinking - partly remembering when I was ten and partly thinking a little bit further back into those memories. Back to when I was eight.

Back then I had two ambitions - to kick my sister harder than she could kick me and to get to the top of the tallest tree before she did. I'm not so sure I achieved either of those things but the trying of them was important! And my route to the very tippest top of that ash tree - the swaying pinnavle of all the world - was so much harder that hers.

I guess I'm still trying to get to the top of that tallest tree. Still competing with anyone or everyone who passes my way. Losing too often for my sanity or good temper. One day I shall be there - on that tippest top. And I shall shout and scream with delight just like I did in 1969.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I am blushing for the kind words about my blog but I fully understand the ambitions you had as an 8 year old. I had 4 elder brothers, 2 younger brothers followed by 2 younger sisters so I know all about competition!

I didn't gain much ground in the kicking competitions but spent an awful lot of time trying to break them up:) However, we all loved climbing trees and there was some great ones across the road where the old Round Tower resides. This of course was the subject of much childish speculation about monks, witches and ghosts......

Again I thank you for the mention of my blog.

Take care,
